Influencerquipo presents female lifestyle influencer of the year- kidfashionblogindia : Kitty D Kkhanna

Mumbai, Maharashtra: Kitty D Kkhanna, after working in Aviation for over a decade, did not stop her workaholic self, right there. Her love for fashion still remained intact and our lovely,’ hands-on-mom’ started her journey as a lifestyle influencer. She’s also the creative director of ‘The Wedding Wallahs.’ Motivational much?
Being a parent, a wife, a homemaker and maintaining the professional persona is not as easy as it may seem. Yet, Kitty did not let it weigh her down. She never fails to prioritise her parental duties and is an efficient homemaker. She’s up to date with her social life and maintains her work life just as perfectly. “The journey has been challenging yet fulfilling! Just when I was told that motherhood would put an end to my career, I took it as a golden opportunity to turn my Shortcomings into strength and my can’ts into cans!”
The inspiring words of Kitty, that has helped her on every step of her life and surely, would be a great insight for many moms who felt that their career is or might be over because of motherhood. Her family is a constant support and a backbone which is the most important aspect and something everyone needs. The constant support has helped her take the leaps she never thought she would.
Through her struggles and stumbling upon failures, Kitty has always stood up, stronger than ever. She’s often asked how she manages everything, to which she says, “Well, I am an over enthusiastic ‘hands-on-mom.’ My family is and shall remain my priority, always. However, with the right balance, persistence and hard work, there is nothing that’s impossible to achieve!” She’s a true influencer indeed. Her Instagram appearance and content has actually inspired and influenced many of her followers to follow their dreams and that brings our mom influencer, Kitty, the kind of joy felt never before. It truly is joyous to know that people do love your content and your way of living.
Kitty’s instagram is filled with impressive content and the prestigious brands that she has worked with. She brings the best of lifestyle, beauty, fashion and parenting for women to benefit from!
Her love for travel and food, is goals! Her Instagram highlights and feed is filled with some great hacks and DIYs which are all together really helpful for the many that follow her. With an affinity for style and class and her wealth of knowledge, creative ideas and plethora of experience, she continues to inspire many women with her achievements. Our mom blogger is the epitome of success and motivation and alongside the many who already look up to her, we surely should look upto her enthusiastic, dedicated and loving self.
Follow her on instagram : kidfashionblogindia